Self-care Kit (Vol2) – A Garden of Compassion


It takes a lot of courage to admit that we need help, to ask for help, and to accept help.

But having people around who create safe spaces for you, can make the journey less scary.

In that light, we introduce the 2nd volume of our self-care kit called A Garden of Compassion. 💚

You can download this for free!

In A Garden of Compassion, we hope that you feel supported and encouraged to show the beauty in you and hold space for yourself and for others.

Download Self-care Kit (Volume 2):

A Garden of Compassion. 

(Alternatively, you can click this link:

Let us not deprive this world, and ourselves, with kindness. <3 Share us your journey with our self-care kit volume 2 here:

We value your feedback! Let us know your experience and how we can improve our kit. 

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[UPDATED: FEBRUARY 17, 2022] 📣 Are you in the field of psychology, behavioral science, programming, software engineering, and other related

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