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Crowdsourcing Mental Health Facilities in the Philippines

Good day! Thank you for your interest in taking part in our crowdsourcing. We are the #MentalHealthPH, a non-government organization advocating for mentally healthy community in our country. In partnership with the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH), we are building the Philippine Directory of Mental Health Services to promote access to psychological care facilities through remote and user-friendly website listing.

By answering the form, you are consenting to be one of our participants who are any of the following: professional/service provider of mental health services, service users and/or someone who advocates for it. You will be instructed to fill-in information on available mental health facilities in the country. The estimated completion time is between 5-10 minutes. We would like to remind everyone that all researchers associated in this project do not hold access to your personal information and all information from this crowdsourcing will undergo comprehensive validation.

Every individual can contribute to generating a comprehensive database of mental health services to help those who are seeking psychological support in the country. You may also promote this initiative by sharing our posting for wider audience reach.

Again, we express our gratitude to your support in this endeavor.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: You will be asked to provide information on available mental health facilities in the Philippines. You may leave “MHPSS” selections and other information you may not know yet blank. Lastly, click the “submit” button to record all information you have provided.

Make sure to download your Self-care Toolkit of the #MentalHealthPhilippines once you’re done!

Directory: Add Listing

Please select the appropriate category for the facility.
Please select the appropriate classification/s of the facility.
Please select the service/s offered by the facility (you may choose more than 1).
Please select the line of specialization/s of the facility (you may choose more than 1).
Please leave this section blank. For service providers, you may provide MHPSS level of the facility.
Please select the applicable method of delivery of services for the facility.
Please select the mode of payment for the facility.
For online-only listings with no physical location, select “Address N/A” under “State/Province/Region” so you can leave the Address, City, and Map fields blank. If you have filled these up before and wish to erase them, simply delete the field answers, tick the box for “Enter geolocation manually”, then leave those new fields blank before saving.
Please provide an up to date phone number of the facility (if available).
Please provide an up to date email address of the facility (if available).
Please provide website URL of the facility (if available).
Please provide the following social media accounts of the facility (if available).
You may attach a photo of the facility (optional).
File Name File Size
No entries found
Max number of files 5, maximum file size 1024KB. Supported file formats: gif jpeg jpg png
Choose File
You may provide a link of the video of the facility (optional).
Confirm submission
Make sure to download your Self-care Toolkit of the #MentalHealthPhilippines once you’re done!

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