#UsapTayo is a regular tweetchat happening every zero of the month (every 10th, 20th, 30th) that aims to ZERO the suicide cases and stigma against mental health. We talk about everything from the lived experiences of people with mental ill-health and the impacts of current events on our mental wellness.
Join the tweetchat by using the hashtag #UsapTayo on Twitter or check out the topics we’ve explored in the past through the archives below!

World Tourism Day: A Journey Beyond Leisure
September 30, 2024 Writer/Researcher: Iris Salvante Moderator: Tobey Fhar Isaac Calayo Creatives: Krystle Labio Have you been putting off exploring Palawan or visiting Japan? Splurge a little for that traveler within you. Even the UN recognizes the power of tourism in its annual celebration of World Tourism Day every

Seeds of Peace: Nurturing a Better Future
September 20, 2024 Writer: Jossa Corpuz Creatives: Krystle Mae Labio, Ian Stephen Velez Moderator: Richardson Mojica Every year on September 21st, the International Day of Peace is observed globally. This day, which was declared official by the United Nations, represents our shared goal of a world free from conflict and

Celebrating World Suicide Prevention Day: Changing the Narrative
September 10, 2024 Writer: K Ballesteros Moderators: Tobey Fhar Isaac Calayo Graphics: Krystle Mae Labio Spaces: Richardson Mojica, Bill Fuentes Every year, the International Assocation for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization (WHO) collaborate to celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) to respond to the critical global health issue

30 August 2024 Writer: CJ Dumaguin Researcher: CJ Dumaguin Graphics: Richardson Mojica Tweet Chat Moderator: Richardson Mojica Each individual’s contribution counts tremendously but joining forces as a global community produces a potent collective action. One that accelerates our progress toward our common objective of stopping all overdoses, first by preventing

Courage above Fear: A Tribute to our Athletes and Heroes
Writer: Jossa Corpuz Moderator: Tobey Fhar Isaac Calayo The Philippine National Heroes Day is a long-standing occasion that spans ages, a celebration not only for courageous for years but also for unconquerable persons today. It is wise on this day to recognize people who have been involved in uplifting hearts

Life is Better With Friends: Why Meaningful Connections Matter More Than Ever
July 30, 2024 Writer: Kevin Miko Buac Creatives: Jia Moral, Krystle Labio Loneliness, the sense of social isolation coupled with the disconnection where your current reality doesn’t match your yearning for social closeness (1), has become a pressing mental health concern. The spotlight on loneliness has intensified, even before

The Role of Nutrition and Self-care in Mental Health
20 July 2024 Writer: Jossa Corpuz Moderator: Richardson Mojica Creatives: Jia Moral, Ian Stephen Velez Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health Research has consistently shown that what we eat profoundly impacts our mental health. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can enhance mood, reduce anxiety,

Building and Maintaining Relationships Through Forgiveness
Writer/ Researcher: Jossa Corpuz Moderator: Richardson Mojica Graphics: Jia Moral, Krystle Labio, Ian Stephen Velez Forgiveness is a crucial element in building and maintaining relationships. It is a complex process that involves letting go of resentment and bitterness. This act can significantly impact one’s relationship with oneself, society, and