Seeking help does not mean you are weak. Asking for help is a sign of strength, confidence, and resourcefulness (Shift Workspaces, 2019). As advocates of mental health, #UsapTayo has continuously spread the message that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but strength.
Asking for help and seeking support should be normalized. However, barriers are present to amplify this message. Public opinion and stigma play a role in influencing someone to accept mental health support in society (Vogel, Wade, & Hackler, 2007).
In the Philippines, psychosocial barriers, including lack of social support from family and friends, perceived severity of mental illness, and awareness of mental health issues, act as barriers for formal help-seeking behaviors. Socio-cultural and systemic barriers such as social norms and financial status further amplify proper help-seeking behaviors (Martinez, 2020).
With all these factors, how can we recognize the importance of support? Seeking help and building psychosocial support builds resources for individuals to cope with adversity (OVC Support, 2016). It affects both the welfare of the person seeking and providing support. As individuals, we continuously look after the welfare of our loved ones. But is it enough?
In our circles, how do we promote seeking help? How essential are support systems? This October 30 at 7 pm on the #MentalHealthPH tweet chat and Twitter spaces, let’s talk about it more. Tara #UsapTayo Lite lang with your usual #Usapkada!
Suggested Questions:
- How do we encourage seeking help? What is the importance of support systems?
- What are the forms of help?
- How do we make help accessible? How else do we institutionalize help?