#UsapTayo x TaskUs: How to Foster a Ridiculously Good Work Environment


May 20, 2022

Writer: Sarah Maglaque, Wellness Coach at TaskUs
Editor: K Ballesteros 
Peer Reviewer: Alvin Joseph Mapoy
Creatives: TaskUs

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected us in a ton of ways—for most of us, especially in the area of mental health and well-being.

The Philippine World Health Organization (WHO) Special Initiative for Mental Health conducted in the early part of 2020 shows that at least 3.6 million Filipinos suffer from one kind of mental, neurological, and substance use disorder. The number of affected individuals with mental health conditions significantly increased as the pandemic emerged. Mitigating initiatives provided innovative and accessible mental health support, including the establishment of safe spaces at work. 

According to Neurospa, Florida’s leading Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) provider, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is essential to assist employees with their mental health needs. “Mental Wellness Days,” which provide additional time-off, are also encouraged to advocate for self-care and to empower every employee to look after themselves. Access to mental health services should also be improved in every workplace, allowing employees to proactively take care of their mental health needs. It is essential not just for employees but also for the employers: employee mental wellness increases productivity and decreases absenteeism and medical costs.

TaskUs, where I work, is among the few companies that have embraced this concept even prior to the pandemic. We prioritize our people first. Our industry-leading Employee and Client Net Promoter Scores over the years have proven that happy customers are made possible by happy employees. 

TaskUs prioritizes workplace wellness and employee mental health. To achieve this, we have a dedicated resource where our teammates can easily access Wellness & Resiliency resources: the Resiliency Studio.

The program is continuously developed by a team of life coaches, licensed wellness researchers and clinicians, and learning experience leaders to proactively support our teammates’ mental health and resilience, which we firmly believe impact performance and retention. 

On top of the Resiliency Studio, our teammates also have access to free, on-demand, individual sessions, and group wellness sessions. Since 2020, our Wellness & Resiliency team has facilitated over 54,000 sessions to support employees’ personal and professional well-being. TaskUs also provides 24/7 psychological services for free through a third-party vendor. Our EAP is also available to employees’ household members. 

The saying “prevention is better than cure” could not be more relevant today; this is why employers need to take an active role. It is essential to sustain a healthy and safe environment for the workforce. This is not just to prevent any possible mental health crisis, but also to support and nurture employees’ holistic wellness.

This May 20, 2022, at 7 pm, join Us and #MentalHealthPH as we raise awareness about mental health in the workplace. Tara,  #UsapTayo about making ridiculously good work environments! 

Pre-Session Activity: 

 Tell Us something about your current job or workplace!


Guide Questions: 

  1. What makes a team Ridiculously Good? 
  2. What makes you feel safe in your organization or team? 
  3. How can there be an “Us” in teams? 
  4. Why is emotional support among colleagues valuable? 



Baluyot, J. (2021, October 29). How these workplaces protect employees’ mental health. CNN. https://www.cnnphilippines.com/life/culture/Workplace/2021/10/29/workplace-mental-wellness.html

Department of Health. (2020, Ocotber 10). Your Mind Matters: Doh Calls For Unified Response To Mental Health [Press release]. https://doh.gov.ph/press-release/YOUR-MIND-MATTERS-DOH-CALLS-FOR-UNIFIED-RESPONSE-TO-MENTAL-HEALTH#:~:text=Press%20Release%20%7C%2010%20October%202020&text=The%20Philippine%20WHO%20Special%20Initiative,neurological%2C%20and%20substance%20use%20disorder

DOLE mandates mental health program in workplaces. (2020, February 19). Department of Labor and Employment. https://www.dole.gov.ph/news/dole-mandates-mental-health-program-in-workplaces/

Lutz Guevara, R. (2021, March 1). Best Practices for Content Moderation, Employee Psychological Health and the Critical Role of Evidence-Based Resiliency Programming. TaskUs. https://www.taskus.com/insights/best-practices-for-content-moderation-employee-psychological-health-and-the-critical-role-of-evidence-based-resiliency-programming/

Upshaw, W.N. (2021, May 10). Corporate Wellness: The Importance of Mental Health at WorkNeuroSpa. https://neurospatms.com/corporate-wellness-the-importance-of-mental-health-at-work/

TaskUs’s Wellness & Resiliency efforts acknowledged in BusinessWorld report. (2021, August 20). TaskUs. https://www.taskus.com/news-feature/taskuss-wellness-resiliency-efforts-acknowledged-in-businessworld-report/

TaskUs. (2022, March 11). What makes TaskUs’ Wellness & Resiliency different? [Video] [Post]. LinkedIn.https://www.linkedin.com/posts/taskus_what-makes-taskus-wellness-resiliency-activity-6909141972762984448-989Y?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web

TaskUs’s People-Centric Culture Featured in Industry Leading HR Podcast. (2021, August 5). TaskUs. https://www.taskus.com/news-feature/taskuss-people-centric-culture-featured-in-industry-leading-hr-podcast/


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December 20, 2021 Writers: Sarah Mondoy Editors: Alvin Joseph Mapoy, Azie Libanan, K Ballesteros Researchers: Sarah Mondoy Creatives: Jacklyn Moral