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Department of Health Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Region 02


DOH DATRC Region 02 is the first and only government owned treatment
and rehabilitation center in Region 02.
Fully equipped with duly accredited and licensed Ancillary Services such as
Clinical Laboratory, Dental Clinic, Radiology Section, and Nutrition and
Dietary Section, the Center is a Residential Treatment and Rehabilitation
facility that offers quality rehabilitative services for In-patient, and After-care
Rehabilitation Programs, including Out-patient Rehabilitation Program to drug
The Center is authorized with 128-Bed Capacity, Free Standing Residential
with Outpatient Service Capability.

Centro San Antonio, City of Ilagan, Isabela, Region II, Isabela

DISCLAIMER: The entries found here are compiled through the help of volunteers, partner organizations, and government agencies. The #MentalHealthPH team is communicating with these facilities, services, and organizations to make sure that these details are correct.

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